Microsoft Certified: Power Platform Developer Associate
Ga voor jouw Microsoft Power Platform Developer Associate Certificering bij Master IT ✅ Als je een passie hebt voor het ontwerpen, ontwikkelen, beveiligen en uitbreiden van Microsoft Power Platform-oplossingen, dan is deze certificering misschien iets voor jou. Om deze certificering te behalen, moet je oplossingscomponenten kunnen maken, waaronder applicatieverbeteringen, aangepaste gebruikerservaring, systeemintegraties, gegevensconversies, aangepaste procesautomatisering en aangepaste visualisaties.
Met deze certificering kun je onder andere:
Certificering: Microsoft Certified: Power Platform Developer Associate
If you have a passion for designing, developing, securing, and extending Microsoft Power Platform solutions, this certification could be for you. To earn this certification, you must be able to create solution components, including application enhancements, custom user experience, system integrations, data conversions, custom process automation, and custom visualizations. You need a strong applied knowledge of Microsoft Power Platform services and a basic understanding of DevOps practices for Microsoft Power Platform. Plus, your background should include development experience using JavaScript, JSON, TypeScript, C#, HTML, .NET, Azure, Microsoft 365, RESTful web services, ASP.NET, and Power BI.
- Create a technical design
- Configure Microsoft Dataverse
- Create and configure Power Apps
- Configure business process automation
- Extend the user experience
- Extend the platform
- Develop integrations
- Candidates should have an introductory knowledge of Power Platfom
- Candidates should have development experience that includes JavaScript, JSON, TypeScript, C#, HTML, .NET, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, RESTful Web Services, ASP.NET, and Power BI
Candidates for this certification typically work with app makers, functional consultants, solution architects, and IT administrators. You have varied responsibilities, including:
- Creating technical designs and Power Apps.
- Configuring Dataverse, Power Apps, and business process automation.
- Extending the platform and the user experience.
- Developing integrations.
Module 1: Create a model-driven application in Power AppsModule 2: Create a canvas app in Power AppsModule 3: Master advance techniques and data options in canvas appsModule 4: Automate a business process using Power AutomateModule 5: Introduction to developing with Power PlatformModule 6: Extending the Power Platform Common Data ServiceModule 7: Extending the Power Platform user experience Model Driven appsModule 8: Create components with Power Apps Component FrameworkModule 9: Extend Power Apps portalsModule 10: Integrate with Power Platform and Common Data Service
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