CompTIA A+
CompTIA A+ gecertificeerde professionals zijn echte probleemoplossers. Ze ondersteunen de kerntechnologieën van vandaag, van beveiliging tot cloud tot gegevensbeheer en meer. CompTIA A+ is de industriestandaard voor het lanceren van IT-carrières in de digitale wereld van vandaag.
Deze CompTIA A+ certificering is geschikt voor iedereen die de CompTIA examens 220-1101 en 220-1102 wil behalen!
Certificering: CompTIA A+
CompTIA A+ certified professionals are proven problem solvers. They support today’s core technologies from security to cloud to data management and more. CompTIA A+ is the industry standard for launching IT careers into today’s digital world.
- The only credential with performance-based items to prove pros can think on their feet to perform critical IT support tasks in the moment
- Trusted by employers around the world to identify the go-to person in end point management & technical support roles
- Regularly re-invented by IT experts to ensure that it validates core skills and abilities demanded in the workplace
The CompTIA A+ Core Series requires candidates to pass two exams: Core 1 (220-1101) and Core 2 (220-1102) covering the following new content:
- Demonstrate baseline security skills for IT support professionals
- Configure device operating systems, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android and iOS and administer client-based as well as cloud-based (SaaS) software
- Troubleshoot and problem solve core service and support challenges while applying best practices for documentation, change management, and scripting
- Support basic IT infrastructure and networking
- Configure and support PC, mobile and IoT device hardware
- Implement basic data backup and recovery methods and apply data storage and management best practices
Recommended experience: 9 to 12 months hands-on experience in the lab or field
Jobs that use A+
- Service Desk Analyst
- Data Support Technician
- Help Desk Tech
- Desktop Support Administrator
- Technical Support Specialist
- End User Computing Technician
- Field Service Technician
- Help Desk Technician
- Associate Network Engineer
- System Support Specialist
- Install and configure PC system unit components and peripheral devices.
- Install, configure, and troubleshoot display and multimedia devices.
- Install, configure, and troubleshoot storage devices.
- Install, configure, and troubleshoot internal system components.
- Explain network infrastructure concepts.
- Configure and troubleshoot network connections.
- Implement client virtualization.
- Support and troubleshoot laptops.
- Support and troubleshoot mobile devices.
- Support and troubleshoot print devices.
- Support operating systems.
- Install, configure, and maintain operating systems.
- Maintain and troubleshoot Microsoft Windows.
- Configure and troubleshoot network connections.
- Manage users, workstations, and shared resources.
- Implement physical security.
- Secure workstations and data.
- Troubleshoot workstation security issues.
- Support and troubleshoot mobile operating systems and applications.
- Implement operational procedures.
Welke lesmethode kies jij?

Active Learning
Je maakt samen met je trainer een plan en gaat actief aan de slag. In een kleine klas verdiepen in wat je echt nodig hebt, inzoomen op zaken die je echt interesseren en overslaan wat je al weet of niet nodig hebt. Plan je lesdagen flexibel, neem real-life casussen mee en werk ze uit met je trainer. Verrijk je kennis en verbind het met alles wat je al wist.
Wil jij een goede, maar bovendien leuke IT training volgen met je collega’s om jullie skills uit te breiden? Of merk je als manager dat je werknemers meer IT-vaardigheden moeten ontwikkelen? Met onze Incompany trainingen bieden wij maatwerktrainingen aan voor complete IT-teams of -afdelingen. We denken van A tot en met Z met je mee en samen zorgen we voor een succesvolle groepstraining op locatie!