
Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Engineer Associate

4 dagen

Ga voor jouw Microsoft Azure AI Engineer Associate Certificering bij Master IT. Upgrade jouw toekomst met een Microsoft certificering. Leer de inhoudelijke expertise voor het bouwen, beheren en implementeren van AI-oplossingen die gebruikmaken van Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Cognitive Search en Microsoft Bot Framework

Met deze certificering kun je onder andere:

Aantonen dat je gekwalificeerd bent om te werken als Associate AI Engineer
Een Azure Cognitive Services-oplossing plannen en beheren
Je waarde als IT professional een boost geven
€ 2.380,-
€ 2.480,-
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100% Slagingsgarantie
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Mail Sofie of laat haar je terugbellen. 040 23 23 390
Deze training(en) en examenvoucher(s) zijn inbegrepen bij deze certificering:

Certificering: Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Engineer Associate

Candidates for the Azure AI Engineer Associate certification should have subject matter expertise building, managing, and deploying AI solutions that leverage Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Cognitive Search, and Microsoft Bot Framework.

Their responsibilities include participating in all phases of AI solutions development—from requirements definition and design to development, deployment, maintenance, performance tuning, and monitoring.

Azure AI Engineers work with solution architects to translate their vision and with data scientists, data engineers, IoT specialists, and AI developers to build complete end-to-end AI solutions.

  • Plan and manage an Azure Cognitive Services solution
  • Implement Computer Vision solutions
  • Implement natural language processing solutions
  • Implement knowledge mining solutions
  • Implement conversational AI solutions

Candidates for this certification should be proficient in C#, Python, or JavaScript and should be able to use REST-based APIs and SDKs to build computer vision, natural language processing, knowledge mining, and conversational AI solutions on Azure. They should also understand the components that make up the Azure AI portfolio and the available data storage options. Plus, candidates need to understand and be able to apply responsible AI principles.

Software engineers concerned with building, managing and deploying AI solutions that leverage Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Cognitive Search, and Microsoft Bot Framework. They are familiar with C# or Python and have knowledge on using REST-based APIs to build computer vision, language analysis, knowledge mining, intelligent search, and conversational AI solutions on Azure.

Module 1: Introduction to AI on AzureModule 2: Developing AI Apps with Cognitive ServicesModule 3: Getting Started with Natural Language ProcessingModule 4: Building Speech-Enabled ApplicationsModule 5: Creating Language Understanding SolutionsModule 6: Building a QnA SolutionModule 7: Conversational AI and the Azure Bot ServiceModule 8: Getting Started with Computer VisionModule 9: Developing Custom Vision SolutionsModule 10: Detecting, Analyzing, and Recognizing FacesModule 11: Reading Text in Images and DocumentsModule 12: Creating a Knowledge Mining Solution 

Welke lesmethode kies jij?

Active Learning

Je maakt samen met je trainer een plan en gaat actief aan de slag. In een kleine klas verdiepen in wat je echt nodig hebt, inzoomen op zaken die je echt interesseren en overslaan wat je al weet of niet nodig hebt. Plan je lesdagen flexibel, neem real-life casussen mee en werk ze uit met je trainer. Verrijk je kennis en verbind het met alles wat je al wist.

Officieel Digitaal Lesboek
Online labomgeving
Oefenexamen omgeving
4 dagen voor € 2.380,-


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Bij jou op locatie
Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Engineer Associate
€ 2.480,-
€ 2.380,-
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